Friday 23 March 2018

Film Poster: Draft 2

This is the second draft for our film poster. Similar to most film posters it contains the film title; tag line; main actors of the film; release date; production company logo and directors information. 
The effect makes Amber on the left look like she is hidden within the shadows to represent the seriousness of domestic abuse. Although Blake's side has more colour to show he is in power there is still tones of black and white in his image to show the negative side of him and why he acts the way he does within the film.

The title is written in capitals and in a white colour to connote safety which the main protagonists need within the short film and the capital letters represent the seriousness of the topic. The text on the poster also is highlighted against the dark background which highlights that although people may act find and hide in the shadows, the importance of what they are going through is serious.
The poster also has a tagline included, which means a bit about the film is given away not just the image itself giving clues on the film.

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